Number signs in BSL require one hand only; your dominant hand. You’ll need to know these signs for counting, telling the time, giving your age, sharing quantities, referring to dates, handling money and much more.
Generally, numbers are signed in the space directly in front of your chest. The positioning of your hands can add extra meaning for example signing numbers from the nose represents age and from the chin relates to money. We’ll learn more about those aspects later in the course.
Some numbers in BSL have regional variations. We’ll show you the most common variations, however be aware the local Deaf community in your area may use other signs.
0 to 5
Numbers 0 to 5 are generally the same across different regions in the UK.

6 to 9
The two most common ways to count from 6 to 9 are both with one hand, either from your little finger or your thumb. Using the method from the little finger, remember to turn the number 9 to the side to avoid confusion with the number 4.
Version 1: counting from the little finger

Version 2: counting from the thumb

10 to 19
The number 10 has various regional differences that may differ from the version below. It has more commonly used variations than any other number.
Numbers 11 and 12 have specific signs which involve tapping your index finger for 11 and both your index and middle fingers for 12. The signs for 13 to 19 are signed by moving the base number side-to-side or up-and-down, for example 13 is 3 side-to-side. The same principle applies for both versions 1 and 2 of numbers 6 to 9 showed above.

20 to 90
For number 20 and beyond, imagine there are columns to separate the numbers and sign each number in a separate column. For right-handers, move your hand from left-to-right and for left-handers, move your hand from right-to-left.
Mouth the number you are signing rather than each individual number, for example for 20 mouth twenty not two and zero.

BSL Numbers Poster
We have created a poster to show how to sign 0 to 25 in BSL.

In the downloads section at the bottom of this page, you can download this poster for free in either PDF or PNG formats.
Key points to remember
1. There are regional variations and different numbering systems in BSL.
2. Mouth the number as you sign it.
3. The position of your hand when signing numbers is important. Generally, numbers are signed in the space in front of your chest.
Useful downloads and links